Jorge Bibiloni Studio Jorge Bibiloni Studio
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Mallorca Interior Design - Jorge Bibiloni Studio

Are you looking for an Interior Design Studio in Mallorca?

Jorge Bibiloni Studio has an international experience in interior design with projects made in Italy and Spain.

Mallorca Interior Design offer projects for the private and commercial sector, and the works carried out include both residential and commercial spaces.

Jorge Bibiloni Studio - Interior Design


A great opportunity to create something unique according to the needs of each client.

Jorge Bibiloni as head of design.

It is characterized by the creation of spaces in the private and commercial sector full of character and identity. Great attention to detail and sensitivity in the choice of materials to get an awesome interior design.

He develops most interior design projects together with his collaborators Pep Torres and Fernando Garcia.

In 2013, born Domum – a team with a wealth of experience that can cover all kinds of projects.

Composed of architects, designers, technical architects, financial advisors and all the necessary profiles with which they can offer a comprehensive service to customers covering all phases of the project ensuring purity, elegance and functionality.

Specialized in turnkey projects, in our services page, you will be able to go deeper into architecture, interior design, project management, urban planning consultancy.
Domum can cover all types of interior design projects in relation to the needs of each client or investment.

Palma de Mallorca Interior Design Studio

Interiorism projects in Palma de Mallorca

Specialized in interior design projects for refurbishments or new construction